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Re: Fuel Tank Installation

Subject: Re: Fuel Tank Installation
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 08:27:02

Before you glass the tank in place be aware that the instructions in the 
manual for positioning the tank still refer to the the original sized tank. 
The small tank cannot be positioned flush with the base of the cockpit 
module, aligned with the bulkhead and still remain clear of the main spar. I 
know this to my cost as I spent all of last evening cutting my fuel tank out 
of the cockpit module (Dammit!) because I found that it was fouling the spars 
- this was despite following the tank installation instructions to the 

add to the manual the following paragraph......
When you put the tank in make sure you have a clear line between the aileron 
thrust plate supports, the tank and front layup should not foul the spar 
positioning in any way.

I found the glass tape does in fact make a strong bond to the new tank having 
now experienced how hard it is to get the stuff off the tank.

It looks like I will be spending the next few evenings sanding back the 
layups off my cockpit module before trying again.

Yours, with much muttering


Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland           New Zealand

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