Numerous builders, especially in the U.S., have put lights on their
Europas. The first shipment of XS wings has yet to arrive (mine to be in
it, one hopes), so I can't say exactly how easy/hard it will be to
install lights, but I certainly plan to do so. Kim Prout (818-920-3055)
has lights on his Europa, and can advise. The Lakeland office probably
has lights on the factory XS demo, so give them a call at
I looked long and hard at both the mentioned planes - it comes down to
metal or glass, and what's your intended mission. The Europa is
certainly less expensive to fly, and has better short/soft field
performance. Additionally, the supply of small Lycoming engines is
getting a bit tight, raising the price for the RV (and many other kits).
If you haven't flown a Europa yet, get thee to an airshow. I was hooked
after a test flight, and that was before the XS model came out.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Schultz []
> Sent: Thursday, May 07, 1998 06:13
> To: Europa mail list
> Subject: Landing lights?
> Hello All,
> I am new to the list and have a question.
> I have been looking into a Europa for about a year now. I just got on
> the list so I do not know about old posting but if someone can fill me
> in on the options of putting lights on an 914 XS kit, I would really
> appreciate the information. I need to be ready to buy a kit by Oshkosh
> 98 and it is coming down to the Europa and RV-6. I will be using the
> plane in the US and really do not want to be limited to Day VFR...
> What have people done to Add lights and strobes for night flight.
> Again thanks in advance for the information. I can see this is a very
> active list and I hope to be asking more detailed questions as I learn
> more.
> Regards,
> Rich Schultz
> Schultz@Sahara.Com.SA
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Numerous builders, especially in the U.S., have put lights on their Europas. The
first shipment of XS wings has yet to arrive (mine to be in it, one hopes),
so I can't say exactly how easy/hard it will be to install lights, but I
plan to do so. Kim Prout (818-920-3055) has lights on his Europa, and can
advise. The Lakeland office probably has lights on the factory XS demo, so give
them a call at (941-647-5355).
I looked long and hard at both the mentioned planes - it comes down to metal or
glass, and what's your intended mission. The Europa is certainly less expensive
to fly, and has better short/soft field performance. Additionally, the supply
of small Lycoming engines is getting a bit tight, raising the price for the
RV (and many other kits). If you haven't flown a Europa yet, get thee to an
I was hooked after a test flight, and that was before the XS model came
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Schultz []
Subject: Landing lights?
Hello All,
I am new to the list and have a question.
I have been looking into a Europa for about a year now. I just got on the list
so I do not know about old posting but if someone can fill me in on the options
of putting lights on an 914 XS kit, I would really appreciate the information.
I need to be ready to buy a kit by Oshkosh 98 and it is coming down to the
Europa and RV-6. I will be using the plane in the US and really do not want to
be limited to Day VFR... What have people done to Add lights and strobes for
night flight.
Again thanks in advance for the information. I can see this is a very active
and I hope to be asking more detailed questions as I learn more.
Rich Schultz