Upon fitting my tailplanes onto the torque tube I noticed my Port Tailplane
did not contact the aft pin of the torque tube. In fact the gap when the
front pin is in contact with the closeout ( the encapsulated ply) is about
5 mm between the rear pin and the closeout. Now my ply is sitting flush
with the closeout surface, so why is this so? Has anyone else had such a
problem? I feel that the stainless pin is probably still long enough to
adaquately go through all layers of closeout for load transferring, but
the TP 13 bushes will need to be built up, or should I say out. The
supplied TP13 bushes I don't think will be adaquate as they are only
just long enough to go through all the layers of the closeout if snug
fitting. Are longer bushes available and has anyone else had a similar
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236