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Subject: Re: BNC
From: Jerry <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 19:55:26
I am looking fro a good source for crimping tools ( not particularly BNC ).
If anyone know of such a UK source then I would be grateful. RS list some
but I would prefer to hold them in my hands before I buy.


From: Andrew S. Wainwright <>
Subject: RE: BNC
Date: 02 June 1998 18:12

Make sure you spend  or $$$ on any tools like that, the cheap ones
nick the braid.  If you can't do it manually, then spend the money on
the right tools.  When it comes to the crimper, again, spend the money,
you'll save hours of frustration.  (and very often, trimming the braid
is better done with a sharp pair of nail scissors after you've half
assembled the connector, if you have to be 'sloppy' on the braid, better
it stick out the back of the connector than be too short.)

I believe airplanes are 50ohm RG-58.

(Banyan, like Banyan Vines?  Ouch, that and BNC's together bring back
some bad memories.)

-Andrew S. Wainwright

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: BNC

There are tools sold at Circuit City, CompUSA, Best Buy (Please find
equilvant) which will properly strip and crimp a BNC connection.  You
will need
 to know which size of coax cable that you are using, ie. RG-58, 59, 62,
93.  I
 am not for sure what size is normally used aviation use.

"Through Complexity there is Simplicity,
                            Through Simplicity there is Complexity"

David L. Blair - CBS, MCP  1-813-978-6073  (Office)
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On-site Banyan Consultant at GTE 3rd Level Banyan Support
---------- Original Text ----------

From: "Tony Krzyzewski" <>, on 6/1/98 4:59 PM:

No, the centre pin should also be crimped onto the conductor to do the
properly. BNC crimping tools normally have a small hole just for
crimping the 
centre conductor.

In the dim dark days of networking I used to be able to do one complete
connector every two minutes! Gets a bit boring after the 300th!!


  From: Dennis Lowe <>
  Subject: BNC 
  Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 18:29:24 +1200 

> Isn't the centre pin soldered? I've not seen an all crimp type.

---------------End of Original Message-----------------

Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland           New Zealand

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