Oops - my brain was ahead of my fingers again. Notice I left the third
't' out of substitute, also. AMP does sell a $700 tool, but it's the
top-end model that automatically sets exact crimping pressure. Bob
Nuckolls has one; we've been plotting to steal it....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ChasIII@aol.com [SMTP:ChasIII@aol.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 08:51
> To: dg@xpsystems.com; europa@avnet.co.uk
> Subject: Re: BNC ... aerolectric
> << Even here in the US, AMP wants around $700 or so for their crimping
> tool, or so I've been told. Bob Nuckolls sells the best substitue
> he's
> found through his web site for around $40 US. See www.aerolectric.com
> >>
> I found the WWW address to be: www.aeroelectric.com that missing e in
> the
> middle caused me to get one of those nasty url not found messages.....
<META NAME"Generator" CONTENT"MS Exchange Server version 5.0.1458.49">
Oops - my brain was ahead of my fingers again. Notice I left the third 't' out
of substitute, also. AMP does sell a $700 tool, but it's the top-end model that
automatically sets exact crimping pressure. Bob Nuckolls has one; we've been
plotting to steal it....
-----Original Message-----
From: ChasIII@aol.com [SMTP:ChasIII@aol.com]
Subject: Re: BNC ... aerolectric
Even here in the US, AMP wants around $700 or so for their crimping
tool, or so I've been told. Bob Nuckolls sells the best substitue he's
found through his web site for around $40 US. See www.aerolectric.com
I found the WWW address to be: www.aeroelectric.com that missing e in the
middle caused me to get one of those nasty url not found messages.....