>I'm still curious as to how the Europa handles ON THE GROUND with a 20 kt
>X-wind and no differential braking possible with a mono-wheel. Is the tail
>wheel that authoritative? Some of the older tail-draggers can't taxi
>properly in 20 kt winds even with differential braking on 2 main wheels.
When I started flying our mono wheel Europa 'XDY last November I was a 70
hour PPL. I now have 143 in the log book.
Last week I took off on tarmac with a 22 knot crosswind 50 degrees off the
runway heading to the right. (This was sufficiently strong enough that the
tower checked with me three times to make sure I was happy with the
conditions) Taxiing was no problem at all, needing no special treatment. The
take-off roll was straight down the white line with initially left rudder
being applied instead of the more usual right, and as the plane lifted off
it yawed round pretty dramatically, as one would have expected.
Dave Watts 'XDY