In message <076932D95BBFD111B53C0008C72859A613D2D0@leicester2lige.light.>, Cope, Dave M (GEL,MSX) <> writes
>I seem to recall reference to a mod involving the reversing of the screws
>attaching the pitch trim motor and the floxing of them in postition to
>effectively make "studs", allowing for future removability of the motor.
Whilst the above approach should be perfectly feasible, subsequent
removals will require a nut spinner or socket set to be manipulated
through the access hatch. For the trim motor, the trim bell crank
brackets and the rudder cable pivot bracket (which I am retaining) I
have used captive nuts. These I make by cutting disks about 1 inch
diameter made from printed circuit board (without the copper) and pop
rivet anchor nuts to them. These are then Redux bonded to the back of
the bulkhead. To avoid overuse of the stiffnuts, washer(s) under the
heads of the screws can be used at this stage. I find printed circuit
board is a very useful material for various odd jobs as it has a higher
glass loading than one can achieve by wet lay-ups. The copper is usually
too well stuck on to remove by peeling and so I usually etch it off the
finished disk with ferric chloride solution. Although not essential a
lathe helps in making the diks as one make about 10 at a time threaded
on a 1/4 inch bolt as a mandrel.
Ken Whiteley