I just wanted to let everyone know the Homebuilt Homepage has moved from
http://www.azstarnet.com/~cmddata/homebuilt/ to it's permanent home of
> Subject: Europa Club - New Membership Secretary
> From: rowil@gn.apc.org (Rowland & Wilma Carson)
> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 21:35:04 +0100
>Just to remind people, in case they didn't spot that line in the recent
>post about Flyer #7.
>The membership sec for the Europa Club is now:
>Rowland Carson
>14 The Avenue
>IP10 0TT
>We have a phone as well, but as I don't want to have Wilma acting as my
>answering machine (she has other, better, talents), I'm deliberately not
>publicising that widely. Our e-mail box normally gets checked at least once
>daily, so you'll get nearly as fast a reponse there as with a phone call
>I'm still trying to get S&L on this job while balancing several other
>responsibilities - so if you are waiting for a reply via snail-mail please
>bear with me - I'll definitely get caught up over Christmas!
>I've asked the appropriate WebMasters to remove Kath Swinden's name and
>insert mine on the Europa Club OnLine, and Kevin R Walsh's HomeBuilt Page
>(now maintained by Michael Kraus). If you know of anywhere else (in
>CyberSpace or indeed anywhere else) needing that change, please let me
>PS - I guess if I don't quote the URLs for those pages I'll get mail, so:
>... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
The Homebuilt Homepage http://www.homebuilt.org/