I have already committed to provisions for a pitot-static installation on the
port wing in what I believe was the previous position, viz. about 1/3 chord
distance aft of the L.E. and about 1 ft. inboard of the aileron. Does any
improvement due to location justify redoing this location (not now a minor
job) to the recommended aft and outboard location?
Also, I have always really liked the simplicity of the original vertical fin
pressure probe arrangement. I wonder if anybody at Europa has tried a
combined pitot-static probe at the top of the vertical fin? If it worked, it
would be a real boon to rigging and potential damage to the probe during
trailer transport. Although I now have provisions for either alternative, I
am still open to the vertical fin location. I have never expected an ASI to
read accurately in unusual attitudes--my Avid Flyer ASI, with a pitot-static
probe under the wing, reads accurately in most attitudes but indicates zero in
a full stall--and it has never bothered me.
Any thoughts?