I had problems initially with insufficient assistance from the bungee.
I recommend you should first check that the assembly moves freely at the
correct torque for the bronze bearing bolts.
I then found that I needed 17 "Falls" before retraction was sufficiently
assisted and 18 was slightly too strong in that gear extension was starting
to become difficult.
Perhaps other builders with more experience could offer comment but I am
convinced that the pre-requisite is a correctly fitting and free moving
pair of bearings.
Roger Mills
C/N 141
> From:
> Subject: Shock cords
> Date: 25 July 1998 20:44
> I got my, presumably, standard length of bungee from Kirbymoorside and
> it round the gear to give what me sailing mates would call 14 falls.
> in the picture in the instructions) It wasn't enough so I took another
> round the ends giving 16 falls that was better but after a while it
seemed to
> settle out and still not give enough help with the retraction so today I
> tookit up to 18 falls it seems ok now but still not too much help. Any
> Comments anyone please it's only a minor matter before you put the
engine in
> but to change it later would seem to be fiendishly difficult without
> the donkey Ron S No33