>Is there not an archive of previous discussions here?
There is a pretty full archive of the list postings available. You can
order monthly chunks of it from the list server using an e-mail command.
Your command (like all commands to the list server) must go to the server
address, _not_ the list address. You can get a list of all the files
available by sending the message:
index europa
to the list server address <europa-request@avnet.co.uk>, then have the
desired file delivered by sending a message such as:
get europa.9706
to the server address, which would get you the postings seen during June 1997.
> I've looked at a
>couple of sites and can't find any.
There _was_ a www-accessible archive, but I think it is no longer kept
current. Possibly AvNet were no longer able to give us the free space &
other resources to keep it alive. Sorry I'm a bit vague, I don't browse our
own WWW site that frequently, I'm afraid! You might wish to ask the Europa
Club internet representative Gerry Holland <europaclub@avnet.co.uk> about
the status of the WWW archive, and whether he has any plans for it.
> My friend who is building a kit here
>in Eau Claire
That name rings a bell - could your friend be Donald Heath (A001)?
> was interested in
>the discussion of clamping the trailing edges, methods of monitoring temps,
I have picked out from my own personal archive (I maintain an index of all
postings using a database manager, but not the same as the one promulgated
by Peter Thomas which I believe is also still available) several of the
articles I think you're referring to, and will e-mail them direct to you.
The stuff about clamping TEs etc was mainly in April & July 1997.
As Peter's index of postings was a windows-only application I have not used
it. Does anyone else here know if it is still available & useable? My own
FileMaker version is still freely available, will work fine on both Mac &
Windows versions of FileMaker, and I include a small utility to massage the
files obtained using the email "get" command into a form that can be
imported straight into the database file. As my file is now over 15M, I do
not propose to supply it full of data! Anyone wishing more details, please
contact me direct at: <europa-club@rowil.clara.net>.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...