I have the manual revision which places the pitot forward of the wing spar,
and in front of the flap. Today, I received technical stuff from Lakeland,
saying Europa now wants it behind the spar in front of the aileron, but you
may have to move it after flight testing. Further, the static is more
critical they say, and they move it from the fuselage to a combination
pitot/static (i.e. under the wing).
Lakeland told me last month to put the pitot on the vertical fin, as it is
inaccurate only in a power-on stall (big deal).
Question: what is the flight experience of you folks with the original design
-- static on fuselage sides, pitot at top of vertical fin?
Thanx in advance,
Our experience with the original pitot position on the fin was that as the
was slowed down into a (admittedly power on) stall, there was a steady INCREASE
in the ASI reading. This we consider to be unacceptable, so the pitot
was moved under the wing.
We therefore decided to put the pitot/static unit under the wing, although it is
known that such a position will be likely to have some error, due to the change
in under wing pressure with changes in angle of attack.
The position we finally settled on resulted from a considerable amount of test
flying, carried out to minimise errors. The resulting errors are within the
of 5% and 5 Knots.
Roger Bull