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New Strip

Subject: New Strip
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 17:14:19
Fellow UK members. 
 Recently I found, close by my home (10 miles away) a magnificent new strip.
As you might guess it isn't really new but it has been sort of overlooked for
quite a few years by most of  the General Aviation community.    
It is in fact the wartime RAF grass airfield  shown on your chart as Windrush
just outside the left hand end of the Brize Norton  MATZ. 
It is shown with a Parachute designator on it and was, until the locals got
fed up with  the noise, used by a parachute club.     
The  farmer  of the land has no objection to aeroplanes whatsoever  and if
they are quiet aeroplanes so much the better. Naturally I told him that I was
proud to represent just about the quietist aero' of all. When he heard that it
was also a British product he was even more keen to see one so I took mine
along and taxied it on his strip, (sans permit to test just yet.)
He was very impressssed and said send  more so Mike Dolphin  flew in with his
Europa  "Wheelbarrow"  and further dazzled him.

According to the farmers,  Bill and Roy Limbrick, the situation is  simply
that, having lost the revenue from the parachutists  unless they can find some
revenue from the strip they must plough it up! PLOUGH IT UP???. As it is at
least as good as any strip I have ever landed on I think we must not let this
happen if we can possibly prevent it.

I have therefore proposed, as a start that we  (the Europa club and the
Vintage aircraft Club) begin to use the strip whenever we can.  I have already
spoken to John Stainer the VAC chairman and he and Bill Limbrick are keen to
see the Vintage planes along to keep the historical connections of the strip
alive. ( Yes I know that some old aeroplanes are noisy but they are usually
flown by people who have the skill and sense not to cause offence)
Vital details. 
Windrush Airfield.  51=B0 48" N  001=B0 44" W    Elevation 560ft
Length is at least 800 metres I would estimate, we measured it at a half mile
in Mikes car. It is wide  and  smooth with a slight up slope to the North.  
The orientation is 03   21  
To the north there is a single power cable but some hundreds of yards away and
to the south there are Grid lines but they are well away. 
There is a small wind sock at the end of a building at the Northwest end of
the strip.
There is a control tower at the North end it is unlocked on the south face and
contains a booking in book, please log in.When I have cleared this with Bill
it will also house a cash box  coaco tin or whathaveyou  into which I would
ask that you insert a cheque  or a note for five pounds.  If that worries you
I would ask how much you would charge to cut the strip  even once let alone
round the year. Please do not forget  that Bill does not fly so his only
reason for continuing to maintain the strip must be in part sentimental but
also it has to produce some cash return or go under
If you have radio a call to Brize would be a very good idea if you do not wish
to be eaten by a VC10.
Please Please  PLEASE try your best to avoid overflying the villages to the
North of the A40, and any others for that matter.  I think that left hand
circuits landing north and right hand landing  south would best suit but see
what you think in the overhead till we have more experience.
The farm is beautifully cared for with grass areas to have your sarnies on but
there are no services whatsoever at this time so if you need it take it in
with you and please bring it away with you also.
If you would like to do a rece by car OK, you can find it from your chart off
the A40 approx midway between Burford and  Northleach under a single power
cable a small track is signed "Windrush  camp farm buildings"going south. Just
drive carefully to the end of it (a black lab pup called Flint and his 2 year
old owner are unused to traffic) and you are at the tower to your left.
If flying in at this stage PPR  is not required so just quietly fly in /out
leaving behind only your landing fee.
Any queries E-mail or phone me 
 The farm No is 01451 844207 but Bill farms his farm not the office so he is
rarely there. 
This is hopefully a positive, developing situation  so I certainly do not have
answers to questions regarding hangerage etc so please stand by a little while
and  just try a to just use the strip rreport back on it and see how it
develops. I will keep you all informed.  
I have passed gen on the flying farmers on to Bill and if all goes well will
inform PFA Lockyear  and so on but for now so far so good I hope?
Ron Swinden No 33

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