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Hamburg Wing

Subject: Hamburg Wing
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 16:00:02
I hope that I do not disturb the forum too much if I express my thanks and 
appreciation for the Hamburg builders and flyers on this site. 

I had business in Hamburg this week and thought that it would be nice to discuss

Europas with them.
They arranged for a club airfield to be made active for me to land, made room in

the hanger for D-EHBT, took me home and gave me dinner and a bed, took me to my

meeting in the morning, picked me up in the afternoon and returned me to the 

My special thanks therefore to Erich Gabbe, Jochen Hohlstein and Jens Gralfs who

looked after me so well.

Also, vielen herzlichen Dank noch einmal fr die phantastische Gastfreundschaft

und Untersttzung an Erich Gabbe und Frau, Jochen Hohlstein und Jens Gralfs und

ich hoffe, da ich die Mglichkeit bekomme, mich einmal mit meiner Frau zu 
revanchieren, wenn einer oder alle von Euch in meine Richtung kommen.

MFG Barry Tennant

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