>>> <Gramin=40aol.com> 09/26/98 10:01pm >>>
Afterthought -The HFF200 may not be paper of course
and the highways are not littered with stalled cars.
Graham C G-EMIN
This comment by Graham, and the previous one on the same subject, illustrates
too clearly why we were hesitant to get involved with e-mail discussion. Safety
is our only real concern, and somewhat mocking references to highways not
being littered with stalled cars, when we were only highlighting Rotax=27s
are not helpful.
For the record the Rotax 912 UL installation manual edition 2 dated 26/3/97, and
the Rotax 912F installation manual edition 0 dated 22/12/94 both state:
ATTENTION; A fine filter with mesh size 0.1 mm has to be installed up stream of
the fuel pump.
Dry type filter elements (paper filter) are not
as they could absorb water and thus reducing flowrate.
Roger Bull