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convertible u/c [was Re: BOUNCE ...]

Subject: convertible u/c [was Re: BOUNCE ...]
From: Rowland and Wilma Carson <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 23:34:28

>  ------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Tony Renshaw" <>

> could you let me know
>what would be involved in turning my a/c into a tri-gear, both in terms
>of mods and price?

Sharp-eyed Europa Club members may have noticed a new category
(convertible) appearing in the check-boxes for u/c type on my "confirmation
of membership" forms recently. So far, this is only in use for one builder,
Bob Harrison #337 <>. I don't know how far he has
got with his realisation of the concept, though! I guess he may be lurking
hereabouts and able to speak for himself. Bob .. ?



... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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  • convertible u/c [was Re: BOUNCE ...], Rowland and Wilma Carson <=