I hadn't heard that rumor, but sounds good. I haven't installed the stuff
down in the footwell yet, but it would seem that at least hiking boots are out
of the question when flying the tri-gear. There's also the undesirability of
fancy footwork needed to apply serious braking plus rudder when landing on a
short strip in a crosswind.
Fred Fillinger, A063
<< I'm building a tri-gear (but only up to the tailplane at the moment!)
In a conversation with someone at Europa a short while ago, I was told that
the brake/rudder pedal assembly is to be revised to be as per the normal toe
brake system that most of us will have learned to fly with. Apparently the
reason for the change is that the standard system is being used on the
certified Europa and they've decided to reverse engineer it for the XS Trigear
kit. Presumably, this change will apply to both pilot's and co-pilot's rudder
pedal assemblies. (Can Europa comfirm this?)
I'm glad about this: I was concerned that my 'plates of meat' wouldn't squeeze
between the standard rudder pedals to activate the original type of 'roller
brakes' effectively!
Chris Vowell (Kit No 345) >>