Here's one Gotchya.
Don't ever connect two wires to carry one load. I know of an instance where
two wires were taken from the battery and one failed the other took all the
load and caused a fire which brought the aircraft to an immediate stop.
Luckily the pilot landed in a cropped field and there was no serious damage
to the aircraft or injuries to the pilot.
I am going to run a heavy earth wire from the battery to the engine and
then a lighter one from the engine to a common earth point on the fire
wall. If the Earth to the engine fails all the earths fail. On an MG I once
owned the throttle cable burnt out when the engine was not correctly
earthed but the chassis was.
I think this is a good idea but I am prepared to be put right if not.
Flying Hi - Wish I was
> From: Graham Singleton <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Master Contactor
> Date: 11 October 1998 22:47
> Bob Nuckolds wrote
> >>If I interpret this correctly, you plan to have a battery contactor,
> starter contactor and a 3rd relay for "other feeds" . . .
> I don't understand the rational for this architecture.<<
> Neither do I, but I'm not an expert. I do know where do get the right
> Bob's aeroelectric connection is the bible so far as I'm concerned and I
> don't see any point in trying to reinvent this particular wheel. Bear in
> mind that aircraft are not the same as computers or houses even if the
> physics is the same. Different set of gotchas.
> I believe Bob did a wiring circuit for Rotax 912 installations?
> Graham