I just got of the phone with Bill Bainbridge who recounted the day's
experiences with the FAA. Administrator Garvey called his office this
morning to see if all of the promised items and followup from the
FAA had been delivered to Bill's satisfaction. Bill was pleased to
report that things were in order. The long sought letter of appology
has been crafted and signed (Bill has an unofficial copy) and is
winding its way through the maze of approval required for such
weighty documents.
Watch AVWeb for next Monday. Liz Swaine (lady pilot and TV news
anchorperson) is doing a piece to recap the events since OSH where
Ms. Garvey first became aware of how badly her staff had bashed
B&C and Mr. Bainbridge. To her credit, she didn't let this issue
languish nor did she forget it. Watch our website for a posting
of relevant documents concerning the original issue and its
It's to Bill's credit that he didn't roll over and take it in
the shorts like so many folk have felt compelled to do in the past.
One reason for posting the documents pertaining to this matter
is to allow the aviation community to hold future administrators
accountable to the standards Ms. Garvey has errected during
her term of office. Further, having these documents available
to the aviation public may well be the encouragement others need
to bear the burdens government can heap upon citizens even when
they've done nothing wrong.
This has been a GOOD day . . .