For the pivot, bore a hole in the beam and press a small bearing into it.
Use a bolt and spacer to attach this to the support, clamping up the
bearing's inner race at the same time. Mine's given excellent service for
many years (and more to come if I don't get my finger out).
Dave Simpson
> From:
> Subject: Re: Single Cup Resin Balance
> Date: 25 November 1998 06:49
> In a message dated 23/11/98 19:06:59 GMT,
> << oes anyone have any drawings or details of the single cup resin
balance (I
> believe John Tye built and used one).
> I have the article which appeared in "The Europa Flyer" (issue no. 12)
> which shows the theory and a photo of the balance but here is no
> dimensions or description of materials used.
> Any details will be gratefully received.
> >>
> Somewhere....I have a drawing that the factory faxed over to me. I will
see if
> I can find the drawing. I have tried two cup and one cup balances (and
> electronic) and found that the one cup was by far the best.
> The knife edge bearing is important. For mine I used a piece of 1cm angle
> mounted on the beam so that the bend the highest point, and then pivoted
> beam on two sharp point screws with the points uppermost.