The glider wings flew today for the first (and second) time, about an hour
total. I was priveleged to be there (Gamston UK) with G-KWIP) so I saw
first the runway taxying and hops, first take off and landing and then with
some loose formation flying the first real test flight. Ivan began
exploring the flight envelope. It looked really nice in the air, not as
extreme as some motor gliders. I don't know what the speeds are but rate of
climb was not much different to KWIP. Take off very short and landing no
big problem with the air brakes.
Flight characteristics were exactly as predicted by Don Dykins. Stick
travel, no change, trim range no change roll rate of course rather slower
than the normal Europa but most encouraging, no real problems with yaw
control. Ivan remarked that it was probably easier to fly with the long
wings. "The Wizard (Don) has done it again!" was the verdict. I suspect the
grins on Ivan & Don's faces will need to be surgically removed.
I suggest those interested in the glider wings let the company know, the
investors will react favourably to a little encouragement, bearing in mind
the threat of recession etc..