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Re: Tailplane torque-tube set-up

Subject: Re: Tailplane torque-tube set-up
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 22:25:42
<< The XS Manual tells you to fit two blocks of wood to the front and rear of
the bottom fuselage moulding, to give a gap of 78mm at the rear and 132mm at
the front.   You should then have 255mm (+/-2mm) across the outside surfaces
of the torque-tube centres.   My front and rear dimensions are spot on,
measured at the correct place (bottom of joggle), but my dimension across
the torque-tube centres is 259mm.   Does this matter?   If I need to adjust
to 255mm, then I assume that I can only reduce the front measurement; as the
rear must accommodate the rudder at a later date and cannot therefore be
reduced.   Has anyone else experienced this problem, or does anyone have the
Lloyd Owens >>

Lloyd =96

The 255 mm measurement at the surfaces across the torque centers is important
so as to center the brass bearings for a good bond.  The rear spread of the
fuselage molding is unimportant at this stage, as there will be a lot of flex
back there to work with later.  The front dimension (132mm) isn't a real big
deal either, since after you've glassed in the bulkhead, and were you to
remove the wood block, she'll snap back to where it was.  The block will later
facilitate bonding on the top molding, though.  I also recommend you Cleco the
top fuselage molding in place when you level the torque tube and bond in the
bearings.  Otherwise, the fitting of the top molding later could upset your
careful leveling of the torque tube.

Two other tips here: Before you drill the big holes for the bearings, check
the level and square of the two small pilot holes you drilled at the crosses.
They may not be level and square themselves, and you can save yourself some
hassle in adjusting (read enlarging) the big holes.  Also, it's easiest and
best to use a syringe or cake icing bag (disposable polyethylene type) to
squirt in the Redux around the bearings. You don't want any invisible voids in

Have fun!

Fred Fillinger, A063

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