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RE: Europa Insurance

Subject: RE: Europa Insurance
From: David Glauser <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:10:55

You might want to contact Kim Prout at 909-920-3055. He mentioned in a
newsletter not too long ago that they had succeeded in getting Avemco to
lower the rating of the Europa to a 3. (They use a scale of 1 to 10,
with lower numbers being cheaper.) Apparently they were swayed by the
argument regarding the coupling of the flaps and gear. It might be that
the Avemco representative you spoke to was not away of the variance, and
so quoted you the standard rate for a retractable-geared tailwheel
aircraft. I don't recall what Kim pays for insurance, but I'm positive
it's a lot less than $3700 annually.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Europa Insurance

Since I am about 1 week away from first flight on my tri-gear, I thought
I'd call my friendly insurance company (AVEMCO) here in the US.  I have
been carrying "builders" insurance with them for the past 2 years and
been costing me about $400 per year.

Imagine my surprise when they quoted me a price of $3,700 per year to
insure the plane, now that it will be flying.  This seems extremely
expensive to me.  What are other Europa owners paying for insurance?
anyone direct me to a U.S. based insurance company who might have more
affordable rates?  HELP!  I need insurance quickly......before my first

(813) 878-3929, TieLine 427-3929
FAX (813) 878-7976, Internet ID


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You might want to contact Kim Prout at 909-920-3055. He mentioned in a 
not too long ago that they had succeeded in getting Avemco to lower the rating
of the Europa to a 3. (They use a scale of 1 to 10, with lower numbers being
cheaper.) Apparently they were swayed by the argument regarding the coupling
of the flaps and gear. It might be that the Avemco representative you spoke
to was not away of the variance, and so quoted you the standard rate for a 
tailwheel aircraft. I don't recall what Kim pays for insurance,
but I'm positive it's a lot less than $3700 annually.


-----Original Message-----

From: [<A HREF""; 

Subject: Europa Insurance

Since I am about 1 week away from first flight on my tri-gear, I thought

I'd call my friendly insurance company (AVEMCO) here in the US. I have

been carrying builders insurance with them for the past 2 years and it's

been costing me about $400 per year.

Imagine my surprise when they quoted me a price of $3,700 per year to

insure the plane, now that it will be flying. This seems extremely

expensive to me. What are other Europa owners paying for insurance? Can

anyone direct me to a U.S. based insurance company who might have more

affordable rates? HELP! I need insurance quickly......before my first




(813) 878-3929, TieLine 427-3929

FAX (813) 878-7976, Internet ID

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