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Advice and Guidance from Europa Flyers.

Subject: Advice and Guidance from Europa Flyers.
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 08:10:26

I am looking for advice from those who have now completed their Europa
build and are Flying!

For those operating in Europe or other cold winter climate areas, can
you give advice on the following.

1) Is the Cabin/Cockpit temperature comfortable when flying in
conditions where it is clear and crisp as in winter Flying?

Is 'heat' required?

2) Has anyone experienced conditions where some form of 'demister' would
have been handy for front screen area.

I have thoughts about utilising 'heat' from back of Instrument panel
through slot vents to cover this if it is an issue.

Many Thanks and Best Wishes to all for 1999!

Bldr No 384
Gerry Holland
Intranet Solutions Inc.
Mobile  +44 (0) 374 755889
Office  +44 (0) 1761 435706
Fax     +44 (0) 1761 432472

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