First, my thanks to all of you who have provided sage advice on this
matter. I dismissed the kerosene heater as too dangerous, opting to try
a 30,000 BTU portable forced air system using propane instead. As soon
as it cools down I'll be taking it back to the store. Here's why:
1) Loud! Nearly 60 decibels by my reckoning. I had to turn the radio
way up to hear over the noise of the combustion.
2) Smelly! I don't care how clean burning propane is supposed to be,
you could smell the products of combustion in the living room after
about 10 minutes.
3) Harmful. Despite my pushing in air from the rest of the house, I
got a roaring <sorry> headache which I can only assume is from
combustion gasses.
My hope was to supplement the heating in the garage for less than
US$200, but it seems that will happen only if I use some type of
portable fuel system. Looks like we'll just have to bite the bullet and
have an electrician add the necessary power supply/outlets to run an
electric system. Those combination heater/air conditioner units are
attractive, though costly. Still, why quibble over a few hundred $'s
when my family's health and safety are at stake?
Steve "Warmer and Wiser" Genotte
XS 126, N8690E