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Non-member submission from ["Nolan Byrne" <>]

Subject: Non-member submission from ["Nolan Byrne" <>]
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 21:13:21

  ------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: "Nolan Byrne" <>

Dear sir,
        I would like to advertise for a wanted low hours europa with a 914
engine mono wheel or tricycle completely assembled kit.
please could you contact me if this is possible or who to contact
tel: 01189745206
mob: 0860371675

John Byrne

Gerry Holland
Intranet Solutions Inc.
Mobile  +44 (0) 374 755889
Office  +44 (0) 1761 435706
Fax     +44 (0) 1761 432472

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  • Non-member submission from ["Nolan Byrne" <>], Gerry Holland <=