Hi Europa builders and flyers,
If you are a builder / flyer of one of the 'earlier kits' you may be
interested in the following, which I am sure will be promulgated by Europa
in the near future, or indeed may have been in the passed and I have missed
the communication.
Over recent weeks I have noticed on my Europa that the ailerons had become
a little less free than they were originally. Understand, they were not
tight, or stiff or anything 'orrible whatsoever, just a little less free
than they were originally.
A few days ago I brought my aircraft into the workshop to carry out it's
annual Permit to Fly renewal. On investigation I discovered the resistance
was caused by a couple of rod ends (MW4T-C3) which had become less than
free, resulting in the minor problem described above.
I called Europa and ordered some more MW4T-C3. I was told these had only
been supplied on 'earlier kits' and had now been superceded by MW4's
because the MW4T-C3's had shown a tendency to become stiff when exposed to
damp conditions as a result of expansion of the nylon bearing surface
within the 'T-C3' version.
It's been raining a lot in s.e. England these past few months!
Bob Fairall - G-BXLK - kit no. 71.