> I have applied to the e-mail list to assist my girlfriends father in
> completing his aircraft.
> He is currently making preparations to paint the aircraft but has
> developed an allergic reaction to the resin.
> Has anybody else had any similar problems?
A lot of people wind up developing an allergic reaction to the
resins, especially if they have had a lot of skin contact (i.e. didn't
use gloves or barrier creams). The allergy is usually cumulative and
will get worse with every incident, so don't count on it going away. The
solution is not to have any further contact with the resins or fumes.
Sounds like your job is to finish the sanding and prep for
painting. If the father in law was planning to paint the aircraft
himself, he should use one of the forced-air respirators (a paint hood
with air being blown in through a hose).
Once everything is cured, he shouldn't have a problem, as far as
I know. ou might want to add a coat of paint inside the cockpit as a
barrier to the composites. It depends on just how severe his reactions
have gotten.
That's my two cents (two pence on that side of the pond, I