You have an XS manual and an original version rudder core!
The triangular piece at the bottom is there to make it easier to do the XS
rudder drive arm support layup later on. The triangular piece of foam gets
chopped out in the same was as the flanges on the stabilators. Don't worry
about the fact that yours is a solid core as it is easy enough to dig out
the foam anyway. Even better would be to get Graham Singleton's tailwheel
mod and then you don't have to worry about the triangular foam piece at all!
Once you have read the manual a couple of hundred times you will find all
these little mysteries disappear ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Genotte <>
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 5:02 PM
Subject: Rudder
>I've unpacked the rudder core and have a question already. Page 2-1 (30
>Sept. 1997) says to attach "the lower triangular piece to the main
>core." The figure below shows this small piece as being separate from
>the leading edge strip. I don't have such a piece; my rudder is solid
>at the root from leading to trailing edge and the leading edge strip
>extends beyond the core's root face. Page 2-12 mentions that some
>rudder cores are not pre-cut for the rudder horn flange. Do these have
>anything to do with each other?
>Your replies are appreciated,
>Steve "Day 2 and already confused" Genotte