In a recent Experimentor (EAA) magazine a member from our local
chapter here in Washington demonstrated a very effecive forced air
system using a mask with the filters removed, a plastic drainage hose
(about 1.5 inches, $12 US for 25 feet), and a squirrel cage from a
bathroom fan. He uses it often an says it works even with his beard
(a standard mask would never seal, but this has enough overpressure).
He hangs the motor on a board which he puts outside his window, thu8s
he gets fresh air. And yes, he recommends a filter over hte intake to
keep out the bugs.
---Tony Krzyzewski <> wrote:
> A PFA mag (if my memory serves me well) some time ago had a design
for a
> homebuilt version. All it used was a 3M mask with the inlet hose
coming into
> one inlet hole and the other inlet hole blocked off. Any type of
hood can
> then be placed over this.
> One thing you do need to check is that the compressor is delivering
> air. Some compressors can introduce minute quantities of vapourised
> lubricating oil into the air stream which kind of defeats the
purpose of
> trying to breath clean air.
> Tony
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allen, Peter <>
> Date: Friday, January 29, 1999 2:29 PM
> Subject: Forced Air Respirators
> >I think it is the ancient Greeks, who are credited with the saying,
> >
> >"Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality"
> >
> >Seeing I have nothing to share, I'll ask a question of the "Europa
> >Immortals".
> >
> >
> >There was a reference (by Andrew Robinson) about the usefulness of
a forced
> >air respirator system when spray painting.
> >
> >On a similar train of thought, I had the pleasure of using a
"forced air
> >hood" when I was sanding fibreglass in preparation for a scarf
repair job.
> >I would have to say that along with a pair of disposable overalls
it took
> >the itchiness out of the activity.
> >
> >While this system was part of a large, well-equipped facility and
I'm sure
> >it was as expensive as it was extensive, it occurred to me that it
> >would/should not be too hard to make your own system for use in the
> >workshop (aka Aircraft Production Facility or APF). Has anyone
done this?
> >
> >If so,
> >
> >What air source did they use?
> >What pressure?
> >Will my lightweight 3/4 horsepower compressor do the job?
> >Is there any air filtration issues?
> >How did you make the hood?
> >
> >Or is it easier to buy a ready-made system?
> >
> >With the amount of sanding that is involved in giving "birth" to a
> it
> >just strikes me as a good piece of kit to have for people like me
who are
> >prone to itchiness.
> >
> >
> >Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >Peter "I have just bought the house, now I need to build the APF"
> >
> >Oh and put a dint in the mortgage :-)
> >The Europa List is supported by Aviators Network UK -