Thanks to Dave and very much to Graham who, I think has surely correctly
identified a very thorny problem in laying the blame for the trouble further
up the chain than just "the bush came loose" Given that he is correct no
amount of dimpling is going to enable the bush to do a job it was never
intended to do.
Could we appeal to the factory to urgently examine the problem and either
confirm or refute the suggestion the Gemin has made. Dave in a throw away
line suggested a possible palliative "drill out the tube" just to make sure
he meant the holes in the tube TP4 not the bushes TP6. I make the point
because long ago when I fitted the pins in me elevators I wired them with
safety wire loops so I could pull on them WITHOUT pulling the release pins.
One of them came out quite easily, it was the one with a ring of resin round
the hole which presented a ramp approach to the hole which effortlessly
squeased the locking? balls in and released the pin so oversize holes for pip
pins is very bad news in my book.
Incidentaly the tp6s in G-EURO were coming loose when I had my first Euro
flight long long ago.
If Graham has it right, and I think he has, it has to be determined wether
the play is due to bad initial drilling/fitting or wether the problem stems
---From plastic deformation of the metal due to the imposed loads or WHY. Sorry
What Have You.
A taper cotter pin may be one way out but how the hell you get in to fit it I
do not know (thinks this is a good one for the boys. Anyone out there want to
hire out one or two of my grandsons)
Coud I ask Dave Watts to include something on this subject in the next mag I
have just heard more on the phone from someone who has been a lot closer to
disaster than he wants to be.
PS Just a thought contributed by Mike Dolph, may hap that this one could be
more dangerous to those lucky fellows who do not derig than it is to us who
fold our wings at night as we are constantly updated on the state of our
bushes. RON S No33