>Re: Charge Indicating Lamp
>I'm still thinking of installing a charge indicating lamp but want to know
>if a 12V LED will be OK.
Sure. You need to be sure that any pre-fab fixture with LED
has a necesary series resistor built in so that it's truly
a "12V" led . . . otherwise add the resistor externally.
>The manual calls for a 3W/12V lamp but this is also called for the optional
>alternator charging lamp so maybe thats why it says 3W (3 watts
that would be a .250 amp bulb . . . not out of line.
>I have a 12V LED for my starter engaged lamp and it works just fine but
>electronics is my weakness (well, one of them). Is a large current running
>through the lamp if the recifier is not charging and can an LED 'burn out'
>as a result?
No . .
>The 12V LED I use is about 0.4 inch diameter so seems pretty 'meaty' by LED
>standards but is not rated with any sort of wattage.
Is it a high intensity type? Where did you get it?
If it's the fat, clear plastic high intensity device from
radio shack, that critter can easily take 60 milliamps
and the light output will fry your retenas . . . a very
attention getting device.
Bob . . .
(o o)
< A mind abhors a vacuum . . . >
< When deprived of facts, >
< our fantasies are generally >
< much worse than reality. >