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Re: Bow in Tailplane

Subject: Re: Bow in Tailplane
From: David Watts <>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 21:51:46
>it became obvious while sanding with my 36" long spline that one of my 
>tailplanes has a bow, the root is some 2mm out of line. Disaster!  
>I am quite sure that the flying qualities of the craft will not be affected 

IMHO if you notice, you must be into competition aerobatics.

>As I see it there are three avenues available-- forget it and hope that 
>noone notices

noone every will with all the various curves and light reflections involved.

>fill the low areas with filler to make a straight surface both sides

Not worth the effort or the weight penalty.

>perhaps heat it to a point where the epoxy softens a bit and clamp it so 
>that when it cools it will be straight.

DEFINITELY NOT. there is no way you would be able to control any 
delamination or any other problems that this might introduce.

Dave Watts 'XDY

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