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Re: Tailplane layup revisited

Subject: Re: Tailplane layup revisited
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 22:29:52
>Pip Pins - Disaster!!
>One side perfect, the other worked but felt less than secure.
>'Reamed' out both to next size 3/8". Its fine.
>The moral is that the options available to 'put right' are endless when
>faced with disaster. Its all about 'flying' up the Learning curve!

Just be a bit careful about disaster retrievals. On no account ream out the
inner pin holes to 3/8ths. Max allowable is 5/16ths I'm told. Best to ask
first if there's any doubt. Or if your experience is limited. There are
many GOTCHA!s in flying.

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