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Re: Taxiing the Europa

Subject: Re: Taxiing the Europa
From: David Watts <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 23:32:43
I do't know if Martin Stoner will naturally reply to Steves message as he is 
not a regular participant on this forum, and had someone else post his last 

>I'm wondering if you could speak to the sensation of speed while taxiing
>the Europa, especially compared to that when moving an aircraft that
>sits much higher, such as most tri-gear aircraft.  Is there a large
>difference in visual/kinetic cues since you're relatively much closer to
>the ground?

I do have one observation. With the sit of the aircraft with the new 
tailwheel layout (and provided you are seated as high as possible, as in the 
manual), you have an excellent view ahead and all around. There is no need 
to weave at all and the cues to all aspects of taxiing are great.

>I realize this may be a rather academic question, but after reading
>about G-BWON's accident I wondered if there is any difference that
>someone transitioning to a Europa should be on the lookout for during
>initial training.

During taxiing, nothing unusual. Only in the take off phase where you must 
keep the tail on the ground until you have aileron authority. If you lift 
the tail up too early, the outriggers come off the ground and you are left 
balancing on the main wheel with no way of controlling the rock sideways.

Dave Watts 'XDY

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