Dear Steve,
I read your letter and can reassure you that there is nothing strange or
unusual assessing speed when taxiing a Europa.
You sit lower than most aircraft but that will give you a greater
sensation of speed and should lead to you taxiing more slowly - good.
I did read David Watts' comments. Even with the new tailwheel there is
a blind spot when taxiing and I recommend that you weave. If you raise
the tail too early it is not aileron control that is not effective but
the rudder control hence the risk that you will lose directional
stability/control. If you have a 35 knot airspeed indicated (assuming
your ASI is reasonably accurate) then you will have ample airflow over
the rudder and fin to give you directional control and stability.
I hope this answers your question.
I did not get a third party to send my e-mail. I am on the net in my
own right address is:
Yours sincerely