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Odds or Evens?

Subject: Odds or Evens?
From: Steve Genotte <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:37:25

Just finished the bottom layup of the port core (AKA "The Core of
Goodness and Light") and it's wart free, do in no small part to the help
of a good friend who's becoming a steady partner for all my layups.

This said, I'm wondering if, once I move on to the other flying
surfaces, if I should continue to "learn" on the starboard piece first,
or switch off to the port first.  I can't decide if it's better to leave
all the ragged bits on one side of the aircraft or mix 'n match them to
create a semblance of balance.  Any thoughts?


Steve "I though 'mass balanced' meant an equal number of Church services
on Saturday and Sunday" Genotte

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