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Re: Polyfiber Prime coat.

Subject: Re: Polyfiber Prime coat.
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 10:52:41
moderate 'sanding' effort.
>The Primer has one problem. If like me you have stored it at about 70
>degrees F then when you come to preparing the 'stuff' prior to use be
>prepared for a lot of stirring!
>The 'sludge' in the bottom of the can took 3 days (probably 20+ hours to
>mix into the fluid. Ended up using a Vertical Drill with 'paddle' action
>on secured Can to get the mixing up to speed. That took a long time.
>I now turn and shake tin at least twice daily. Bizarre behaviour!

An eaier solution is to go to your local paint supplier/manufacturer and get
them to put it on theier double acting shaker... don't watch, as it will
frighten the life out of you, and make sure that the lid is on tight and

How do I know? 4 hours of cleaning up one half of a 10 quart uncatalysed 2
pack polyurathane set.....


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