>(ii) The discussions on fuel measurment have raised many interesting
>points, I would like to add a couple of ideas The currently available
capacitance fuel gauges require a hole to be cut
>in the top of tank, as a retro fit this is difficult and not everyone wants
>to damage the integrity of the tank. Could the sender tube (I understand
>they can be bent) not be installed through the same point as the top vent
>tube in the tank. By using a modified ali insert instead of F09B to hold
>the sender and the top vent tube access, the sender could go down into the
>starboard side of the tank using the port side as the reserve.
Been there, dun that. Too much hassle and resultant unreliability.
Jerry Davies, (Lyndhurst Touchdown Services) has developed a better system,
IMHO; the trouple with capacitance measurement is it never reads the same
twice, the dielectric constant of the fuel varies too much. Jerry uses a
magnetic float and a series of reed switches, so the reading is stepped, (8
or 10 steps) and therefore consistent. The switches are not submerged in
fuel, so safe.