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Narco 810 comms.

Subject: Narco 810 comms.
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:31:10
Anyone had a fault like this.  After switch-on the received signal vanishes 
after a few seconds to a minute (as evidenced by listening to the local 
ATIS).  Of course it is a great problem if you are tuned to a not very busy 
ATC fequency. Can be restored instantly by switching off then on immediately. 
 This behaviour is present always below about 15 deg. C. though oddly enough 
I have run it in the fridge with no problem !   I know of another 
installation with the same behaviour. He has taken to keeping it in the 
house.  Haven't got anything out of Narco via the vendor so far.

Graham C.  G-EMIN

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