In article <Qdz6qGAsr$>, (Gerry Holland) wrote:
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> I was wondering if anyone has modified the Europa to
have dual throttles,
> or more particularly a left hand throttle for the PIC??
Any comments would
> be appreciated
> Mel Ewing
If the reason for asking this is because you are worried
about flying with your left hand, then as has already
been suggested dont bother.
I think that flying with your left hand on the stick will feel
strange for a very short time. The strangeness is partly
due to the change in view that you get from the other
seat. You may find that initially you will land off the
centreline of the runway for a while, but you soon get
over it. If you can, find a very wide runway to practice
on, and a cheap instructor to fly with you :-)). I think that
most people find that there is no difference in flying right
or left handed once they have got over the initial
strangeness of the veiw and the fact that their hands are
required to do things that they are not used to.
Paul Atkinson