thanks for the valuable info Alan, am just getting to grips with touring in
my new toy, have done about 28 hours in the last 5 weeks!
you mentioned about the pitot position being inaccurate. I have one of the
topflight pitot/static heads, similar to that found under a piper but only
50mm high. It started adjacent to the port aileron access panel but i decided
to move it to the Europa recommended position (see the pitot mod) and retain
it, rather than buy the Europa pitot head. Extensive test flying has found
that the topflight in the europa-recommended position is accurate to a couple
of knots, tending to underread by a knot or two flaps up and overread by a
knot or two flaps down. readings down to stall, or slower if you keep pulling
back and open the throttle, keep dropping, and no problems up to vne.
used my ias_uti2 excel prog, on the avnet ftp site under the europa
directory, it really is a doddle flying solo and using the psion.
finally, for anyone interested, took my 912, 17deg warp drive doghouse to
FL125 (solo) at the weekend, still getting 300ft/min with a density altitude
of 14500ft: Nice view, Compton Abbas to Popham to IOW...
chus, dave