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Subject: trkconv3
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 14:12:20

Anyone wondering what on earth this about, here is the description which for 
reasons I won't bore you with, got lost in transmission to the net.

Attached is a program (42k) which might be of interest to those of you who 
are able/willing to download your gps track files into the pc.  Originally 
written to convert from NMEA to Jeppesen Flitestar track format, it has some 
extras for use even if you do not use the latter.  The main one I find useful 
is that it extracts your airborne times (between stall speeds) so that you 
can fill up your logbook at leisure without having to scrabble around for the 
bits of paper on which you may (or may not) have recorded them, or peer at 
the code to guess when you actually lifted off  ( if you stall during flight, 
that's tough (:-)), assuming you recover you will get two flights for the 
price of one ).  It also lists the speeds and headings, but as gps readings 
are only nominally at fixed (e.g. 30 sec) intervals these may not be all that 
useful for calibration unless you keep a constant speed for several 
intervals. A typical screen output is:

Flight no. 1  Take off time  11 : 04 on 18 JUL 99
  52/225    66/220    69/210    81/203    89/201   94/180    92/153     86/107
  87/078    91/082    90/079    92/080  111/082  108/084  114/098  112/087
 115/084  112/088  110/091  106/094  115/097  118/087  107/087  103/086
 102/086  101/080  103/081  101/083    83/082   75/082    63/136    66/187
   63/244    66/264   57/266
Landed         11 : 22 on 18 JUL 99
Flight time     0 h 18 m ( .3  hrs)

Not usable over midnight !

Graham C G-EMIN

Only tested for Garmin.
Trkop.exe has been included in the zip and is a version without the Jeppersen 
conversion, and speed/heading optional.

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