>Has anyone tried this idea of an auxiliary generator on the Europa with
>a Rotax 912 installation and if so, do you have advice and
>recommendations for the installation ? I would be grateful for your
>(My current build status is at the fitting of the fuselage top, next
>steps are fitting of wings and flap drive tube. Am very envious of you
>guys going on exotic trips here, there and everywhere.)
John, you should fit the wings and flap drive tube before the top goes on
the fuselage. 10 times less hassle. Believe.
Can't really believe any more than 20 amps is needed. We run our horizon
---From the alternator direct using a transformer. Turns out the normal AC
---From the engine in cruise is about 400 Hz, so who needs an inverter? Vac
pumps are not noted for reliability so I would use a venturi anyway. More
efficient than a pump which must absorb at least a horse power?