From: Ed <>
>Does anybody know of curing oven that gives a reliable service in the
>>South East.
>We made our own, with the gas hot air blower installed in the garage to
>it normally, 2 electric air heaters, 2 domestic fans and miles of
>bubblewrap. Armed with a solarmat ( I think that was what it was called) we
>wandered through our oven every 15 minutes, and took measurments which
>stayed accurate within 1 degree C at all points around the wing. It stayed
>at 53 degrees for 9 hours with absolutely no problems. The only difficulty
>was finding willing people to go in to the oven on a regular basis to take
>the readings as it was rather hot!!
>Anyone have an idea where I might be able to get a small quantity of
>strontium chromate primer in the south east. It is supposed to be much
>better than Zinc chromate but its shelf life is only two months, therefore
>need small quantities on a regular basis.
>happy building everyone
>////Eddie Hatcher///Bill Lams///Nick Crisp////
>///////South East London Flying Group////////
>-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Willett <>
>Date: Monday, August 23, 1999 9:50 PM
>Subject: Curing Oven in the South East
>>Message to builders, please.
>>Does anybody know of curing oven that gives a reliable service in the
>>South East.
>>I have tried Northbrook College (new number 01903 606060) but the
>>original contact Mark Thorogood is now not there and his replacements
>>(David Hawkins and Program Manager Malcolm Bell) are not available until
>>September. Meanwhile I have my wings etc. in the back of a transit
>>sitting on my driveway in Kent.
>>Steve Willett