Dear Thomas
You can see some details one particular solution to altidude compensation
with lean burn at: (if you are not already aware).
Let me have any questions and I will either answer direct or put answers up
on the FAQ section of the site.
Regards..........MARK WILKSCH
-----Original Message-----
From: 113-22 Scherer, Thomas (DN=113-22, RECIPIENTS, ZENTRALE, AA)
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 08:39
Subject: 912 carbs
>Hi Mark,
>I had been following the discussion on the carbs @ the Rotax 912
>and started appreciating your knowledge - good move to solidify your
>status as engine expert within the Europa community !
>Anyway, I like to fly high and dislike the high fuel burn of the 912 UL.
>I'd be interested in a system to remedy this situation - just to answer
>your quest for input from the general public. And I am sure many others
>- also outside the Europa community - would appreciate it.