In article <>, (Tom &
Cathy Friedland) wrote:
> Page 8-11, Mono wheel manual: Port wing: Fitting the W16P bellcrank
> had problems... The AN4-31A bolt was not long enough.
I had the same problem and Andy Draper said it was ok to increase the rebate
depth to allow for the bolt. The rebate will eventually be filled with flox.
suggeted leaving this job until you come set the wing incidence. The bolts can
be aligned more accurately at this stage.
> However, when
> tightening the nut enough to prevent play in the bolt (and at the torque
> called for) there was much friction in BC4W10 bearing. Way too much
> friction! I found that the Euro 1 washers were causing friction
> pressure on the bearing. A little filing relife around the washers next
> to the bearing relieved the restriction and now it is a smooth as the
> newborn ass.
Again I have the same problem. I take it you have reduced the diameter of the
washers, is that correct?
> If anyone can teach me to draw on the computor, I will be happy to
> illustrate my washer changes...
My 2 year old daughter has mastered it. Very difficult to record the results
though. Crayons work best for her. God help us when she brings paints in here.
Paul Atkinson