I had terriffic luck with the package from Radio Systems Technology (RST).
They sell a book on making antennas, a roll of the copper tape and a bag of
torriods for twenty bucks. Saves a ton of money and the antennas are easy
to make. All I did was put the tape down, solder on the coax and cover with
a layer of bid. They are also very lightweight.
It's also amazing how many antennas you need. From this package I made;
1. Comm Antenna
2. Nav Antenna
3. AM/FM Radio Antenna
4. Marker Beacon Antenna
This dosen't count the ELT antenna, Transponder antenna, or the GPS Antenna.
For a while I thought I needed a bigger fuselage to fit them all in! I
have digital photos of the installed antennas - If you want them just e-mail
me separately.
Radio Systems Technologys web site is www.rst-engr.com
Bob Jacobsen
From: "GERAINT L OWENS" <lloyd.owens@lineone.net>
>Subject: Fw: Where to buy VHF & TX antennas?
>Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 00:54:12 +0100
>Where's the best place to buy VHF and TX antennas from? Don't
>particularly fancy making up my own. I have the 'Advanced Aircraft
>Electronics Inc.' literature. www.advancedaircraft.com They quote $149
>for a VHF antenna and $99 for a TX antenna, with installed RG58 cable at 50
>cents a foot. Does anyone have better alternatives, comments,
>suggestions? Also, given the roaring advances in GPS and moving maps, are
>many others bothering to instal NAV (VOR/LOC) antennas? Lloyd Owens