A seemingly trivial matter this, but it can cause some distress !
During some longer cross-country trips which I've embarked on recently,
passengers and I have experienced the progressive development of a
dull ache in the muscles of the gluteal region (polite description !),
principally to the lack of support provided by my standard seat
Save for putting on a significant amount of weight (which would no doubt
affect climb performance), I was wondering if anyone had found a
solution to this problem ?
Ideally, firm but flexible foam plastic seat bases of variable thickness
(depending on
passenger body length) would raise the head to within an inch of the
and make the longer trips significantly more comfortable.
Any "combat proven" techniques ? The cheaper the better !
PS. The new 'Lockyears Farm Strip Guide' is out now. It includes some
fields in
Scotland. Well worth owning a copy, in my opinion.
Alan. D. Stewart
14 Goddard Way 'phone : +44 1245 264186
Chelmer Village work : +44 1473 607571
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6UR email : alan.stewart@cableinet.co.uk
office email : alan.d.stewart@bt.com