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Subject: recognition
From: 113-22 Scherer Thomas DN=113-22 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:16:08
The German "Oshkosh" - homebuilder gathering was held in Speyer
on Sept 3. - 5. With some five Europas on the line it was the best 
represented model in the row of about 80 airplanes present.

To my surprise I received a letter yesterday from the OUV (German 
EAA-chapter) containing a reward reading:

In recognition of the efforts in the field of aeroplane-building
we issue the "Oscar Ursinus Price of 1999" to Thomas Scherer
for the construction of Europa Aviation N81EU for outstanding

along with a cheque (my downpayment towards an Arplast VP).

Made me proud - another reward for those dark days sanding filler.

<Thomas kit # 81>


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